We are equipped in the office to thoroughly evaluate the various parts of the ENT system. We are also blessed with services to facilitate the diagnostic process – radiology [encompassing XR, ultrasound, CT, and MRI], audiology [catering for a wide range of examinations in both kids and adults] and pathology [chemical, hematology, immunology, cytology and histology].
Otorhinolaryngology is a diverse discipline and although grouped under the surgical umbrella, a fair number of conditions are treated non-surgically – certain types of hearing loss, vertigo, allergic conditions, rhinitis, dysphonia, and swallowing disorders are all good examples. We often recruit other specialties to assist in patient care – neurologists, pediatricians, internists, plastic surgeons, maxillo-facial surgeons, radiation oncologists and then also our colleagues in ancillary positions – audiologists, physiotherapists and speech language pathologists only to name a few. From time to time it also is necessary to refer patients to dedicated specialists in the ENT field to assist in the care of complicated conditions: neuro-otologists and cancer surgeons come to mind.
From a surgical perspective we offer a variety of procedures including:
Ear [otology]: excision preauricular cysts, removal exostosis, myringotomy and ventilation tube placement, installation of gentamicin / cortisone in the middle ear, tympanoplasty, ossiculoplasty and mastoidectomy.
Nose and sinuses [rhinology]: septal reconstruction, surgery to the turbinates, functional reconstruction, polyp removal, [endoscopic] sinus surgery and ligation of sphenopalatine/ethmoidal arteries and adenoidectomy.
Mouth and pharynx: removal of mucosal / sub mucosal growths, biopsies, partial excision tongue, tonsillectomy and palatoplasty.
Larynx [laryngology]: laryngoscopy and diagnostic biopsies and basic microphonosurgery. Surgery for laryngeal trauma.
Neck: certain congenital conditions, major salivary glands and diagnostic lymph node biopsies.